Mallow community center

Located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Project Description

Mallow community center is a non-profit community center, targeting the low-income population to achieve healthier connections with people while revitalizing the individuals to strengthen their quality of life. The community center is a biophilic design that is inspired by the aesthetics and characteristics of a cotton plant. The cotton plant's development begins with a few strong branches which represent the main zone of the center, while the educational sector is inspired by the one branch which blooms to hold the whole plant. The life cycle of a cotton plant takes over 160 days and shields itself in the boll form until it is ready to sprout and embellish. The color palette used for the interiors is natural warm tones which create a soothing and welcoming ambiance in the space. Light and fresh air fill the heart of the community center and enhance the overall experience of the people.